Thursday, June 17, 2010

Frogglesworth Frogglesworth...

A.K.A Froggy, Froggy-Buttcheeks, Froggles, and Frog. Frogglesworth is Brooklyn's FAVORITE toy. He goes everywhere with Brooklyn...and Froggy brought along a piece of "everywhere" with Brooklyn, meaning, HE WAS FILTHY. I say "WAS" because we gave him a bath. Brooklyn wasn't too happy about that. He kept wanting to play with him but he was wet all day. So he visited him, while he drip-dried in the bathtub. And occasionally, while Brooklyn was playing, he would talk in the high-pitched tone he uses as his Froggy's voice and say:

Froggy's voice: "Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Come say hi to me!"

Brooklyn: "Ok, coooommmming!" and he would open up the bathroom door...

Froggy's voice: "I not dirty nanymore!"

Brooklyn: "OK, you can come play with me in the morning. Bye Bye!"

And so it went throughout the day. It was hilarious!