Sunday, April 25, 2010


Recently, we had a small "marker incident" at our house. Brooklyn decided to be a little artist on my kitchen wall, which he hasn't done before, so I was suprised. It was just a small little line, and yes it was my fault I had left a marker in the Junk Drawer. Oops! I learned my lesson right??

Much to my dismay, over the past few days he somehow has been finding markers and pens around that I don't even know about! It's like he is determined to finish his masterpiece. This is what it looks like now. AT LEAST its only in one spot. Ha!


  1. I think I saw this on Brooke's blog.. maybe it's genetic? ;)

  2. LOL! That little stinker! It's like they can smell out what will make the biggest mess, but how can you stay mad with a face like that?
