Friday, June 25, 2010

The Beeeeech

Nate and I were feeling particularly "summer-timey" the other day, so we decided to drive up to Pineview for a little sand and water. Ok, it was actually SO FUN! I know that Pineview isn't really the best place for that, but it is the closest. Brooklyn had so much fun in the water!

He has told us EVERYDAY...MULTIPLE TIMES, "I wanna go beeeeeech!" He had too much fun. He actually was a little too brave in the water sometimes. He would get in up to his shoulders, which freaked me out a little.
Pineview is SO full right now! There was hardly a beach where we were. The trees are practically floating in the water. But it made for some pretty cool pictures.

Oh My Heck. If you are up in Huntsville anytime MUST go to this BBQ place we went to. I think it was called "Texas Pride". It was DELISH!! Seriously though, I would drive up there just for that. YUM!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I ever went to Pineview when I lived in UT but that water looks nice and cool! Branden and I love to try new restaurants... I wish we lived closer so we could give that one a try, too!
