Saturday, July 3, 2010

Family reunion!!

We just got back from my family reunion at Bear Lake! It was SO FUN!! I haven't been there forever...and Brooklyn loved it. He keeps asking to go back! It was so great to see all my family together, it has been so long since we have all seen each other.
My uncles suprised us with a Boat! We got to use it for the day, and we borrowed a water-weenie from Nate's uncle, so it was pretty much awesome.

This was the view of the lake from the cabin we rented. It was so beautiful!

On Thursday we went to Minnetonka cave with Jesse & Melissa, and my
aunt and uncle Jeff & Annette and their grandkids Jacey and Evan. It was so fun, and not too hard but there was A LOT of stairs in that cave.

We had such a great time, I hope we get to do it more often.


  1. What a fun place to have a family reunion. SO you think we can drop hints? ;)

  2. That looks like tons of fun. I've never been there but Stacy and Allan go with her family... Now I wish I'd gone when I lived there.

  3. It was a great trip! We need to hang out more often. Afterall, we think you guys are pretty awesome, and are pretty lucky to call you family!
