Monday, July 12, 2010

Fireworks & Football

So Sunday evening, Doreen had us over for a birthday dinner for me (thanks Doreen! You're the best!)...and then it was the Annual Weber State Fireworks! We love going to these every year, it's always fun to just sit & Play games and see people you haven't seen in a while.
The Two LOVEBIRDS!!! It was fun to hang with Jess & Melissa!
I couldn't resist taking these pictures! Brooklyn's facial expressions were hilarious. He is such an athlete, and suprisingly coordinated for a 3-and-one-half year old!


  1. First off, Happy Birthday! Second, don't hate me! I didn't mean to stand you up! I still can't find my phone cord, and I don't have your number memorized, and I can't get Spencer to answer his phone to get a hold of you through Nate. SORRY! Biggest loser ever! Let's be scrappy this week though for your bday...I'll buy dinner! :)

  2. Happy birthday!! It was so fun seeing you guys there.
