Today, I was craving meatloaf (for some unknown reason) all day. So I decided to make it. I bought everything for it, and didn't forget a thing. I mixed up all the nasty ingredients into a usual pre-meatloaf meat-slime, and just as it was ready to be put in a pan, I realized that I had packed away my loaf pan!!!!! ARGHHH! So this is what I ended up with. Yea, you all know what it looks like, but it was the best that I could do without a loaf pan. Sigh. BUT, IT WAS DELICIOUS, thank you very much. Brooklyn loved it, and he doesn't love any food. Any ideas on how to cure such a picky eater? It would be much appreciated.
Anyway, after dinner Brooklyn wanted a nectarine for dessert, and I just couldn't resist taking these oh-so-juicy pictures.
ReplyDeleteThat was a sucking sound.. so glad you got sucked in! It ts really about time. :)
glad your blogging now... it's so much fun! Evan has that exact shirt that brooklyn has on. :)
ReplyDeleteOh! He's getting so big! Hope you don't mind that I followed a link from Mindy's blog and will now probably cyber-stalk you. :P Welcome to blogging!