Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dam Day!

On Wednesday ( I know..I know..I'm a blogging slacker) We went to Pineview with my friend Audrey and her son Wyatt. It had been raining all day, but the weather cleared in perfect time for us to go! They waited for me to get off of work, then we headed straight up there.The kids had a great time. Brooklyn mostly enjoyed throwing sticks and rocks into the water. Even though there is still snow on the mountains, the water was to our surprise, not too cold. We were pretty much the only ones on the beach.

Wyatt and Brooklyn are both so blonde...Sometimes people mistake them for brothers. It is easy to see why! They get along so well, and always have fun together.

We hope to make it up there more often. I can't believe we haven't taken advantage of the dam in past years. I think we went there once last year. Shame!


  1. i think they should have an affordable season pass to the dam. you'd probably find us there more often!

  2. Fun! I have never gone there just for the day, that is now on my Summer to do list! :)

  3. OMG you got some great pictures of Wyatt! I swear the more they get together the more then look a like!
